Volunteer with us!
Are you looking to give back with your time and talent? We would love to talk with you!
Though our volunteer opportunities are limited now, more opportunities will come available as we grow!

This is a great way to get involved and support survivors! Approximately every 7 weeks, we hold virtual mock interviews for our participants where they can practice their interview skills and receive helpful feedback.
Time commitment: 2-3 hours every 6-7 weeks
Apply HERE.
Peer-2-Peer Fundraiser
Join us in our annual WE GIVE A SH!T fundraising campaign and invite your friends too! Together, we can make the most impact and have a bit of fun while we're at it!
Time commitment: Up to you! Campaign lasts for 4 weeks
Let us know you want to join HERE.

A great way to get involved with less commitment of being on the Board while helping to create and implement a fundraising strategy! Commitment is meeting 1 hour/month plus any time you spend in between meetings.
Time commitment: 1 hour per month
Email us at info@undestructable.org
Do you have ideas?
Have a skill you'd like to share? We would love to hear from you!
Email us at info@undestructable.org